Introducing the Night Stinger

© 2009-2010 Gail Nobles

Book'em Deck_Night Stinger


If I had to make a card game about my favorite boxing star, I would name it Book'em Deck. There would be books of yellow, books of blue, books of red, and so on. There would be one deck for all colors, but yellow would have it's own book, red would have it's own, and so on. Two players would try to out score eachother by pulling from one deck. Both players would take turns pulling from the deck until there are no more cards. They might choose the color yellow to start making a book. Each yellow card would have a number. Both players would add up all of their points from the yellow cards which would be a book in their hand. Whoever has the highest score is the one that would win the yellow book as a whole. The players would do this for every color. Whoever wins the most books would be the winner of the game.


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