Taking Tony Brown off of the street and putting him in an underground prison was a dangerous thing for Mr. Moe to do. Tony Brown was a very powerful man and had people on the streets working for him. Mr. Moe made sure that nobody would be able to get to Tony. A few of Sabrina's neighbors knew what Mr. Moe had done but kept it to themselves. They wanted Mr. Moe's protection for Sabrina, but it wasn't about Sabrina only. Mr. Moe found out that Tony was very powerful. He was popular and many people on the streets were a part of his crimes. Tony Brown and his followers were ruling the streets. It was getting to the point where Tony was getting respect wearing fine suits. He no longer had the image of a gangster but a business man. Policemen would ride right by him and were afraid to enter into bad neighborhoods. However, Mr. Moe became very upset about Tony and secretly fought him and drug him and put him in the boot of his car. Tony was causing trouble for the people of his chapel.
Knight Stinger was afraid that things would get worse for the chapel and that the word would get out that her teacher was holding Tony as Prisoner. Mr. Moe did not fear guys like Tony Brown or the law. He feared that if someone did not put a stop to all of Tony's mess, it would grow so large that no one would be able to stop it. It was already getting to that point. Mr. Moe said to Knight Stinger, " As long as there is a God on my side, no evil is going to be in charge of me or the death of me. "
Note: (Rom. 8:31) What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?